1998 | 張煖; 韓光榮, 溫室氣體排放減量目標、衝擊與政策工具--美國相關研究之方向與結果, , 能源季刊29(1),頁65-82, , pp |
1991 | 韓光榮, 石化工業節約能源之探討, , 臺灣經濟研究月刊=Taiwan Economic Research Monthly 14(10)=166,頁29-31, , pp |
1990 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing; Lee, Chung-chiang, A second law concept of an equivalent solar collector, , Energy 16(5), pp.859-865, , pp |
1989 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing; 張錦輝; Chang, J. W., Modeling of ripening stage in deep bed filtration, , 淡江學報=Tamkang journal 28, pp.469-494, , pp |
1989 | 張裕祺; 韓光榮, 碳化鈾核燃料輸送程序模擬, , 能源季刊20(2)=78,頁74-84, , pp |
1988 | 張裕祺; 韓光榮, 汽電共生系統程序分析, , 能源季刊19(2)=74,頁58-69, , pp |
1987 | 黃茂傳; 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing, 能源轉換與化學燃料發展之探究, , 能源季刊18(3)=71,頁64-78, , pp |
1985 | 韓光榮; 陳慶鐘, 太陽能集熱器選擇性吸收面之研究, , 能源季刊16(3)=63,頁69-92, , pp |
1983 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing, Thermodynamic Analysis and Thermoeconomics in Energy Conversion Processes, , 能源季刊13(4)=52,頁122-128, , pp |
1983 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing, 能源轉換過程中熱動力與經濟分析, , 能源季刊 = Energy quarterly 13(4),頁122-128, , pp |
1983 | 韓光榮, 世界輪胎企業的策略, , 臺灣經濟研究月刊=Taiwan Economic Research Monthly 7(7)=79,頁52-55, , pp |
1982 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing, On the Analysis and Development of Solar-Thermal Electric, , 能源季刊12(4),頁165-171, , pp |
1980 | Cheng, Y. C.; Han, Kwong-wing, Thermodynamic analysis of energy storage and transmission by the chemical heat pipe, , Journal of the Chinese institute of chemical engineers 11(3), pp.165-169, , pp |
1980 | 韓光榮, Experimental Study on the Effect of Calcination in the Preparation ofΥ-Alumina Catalyst, , 大同學報=Tatung Journal 11,頁35-38, , pp |
1979 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing; Wen, C. Y., Initial stage (short residence time) coal dissolution, , Fuel 58(11), pp.779-782, , pp |
1977 | 韓光榮; Han, Kwong-wing; Dixit, V. B.; Wen, C. Y., Analysis and scale-up consideration of bituminous coal liquefaction rate processes, , Industrial and engineering chemistry, process design development 17(1), pp.16-21, , pp |
1977 | Wen, C. Y.; Dixit, C. Y.; Han, Kwong-wing, Asphaltene formation in coal liquefaction, , Coal proceeding technology 4, pp.177-180, , pp |
1974 | Wen, C. Y.; Han, Kwong-wing, Kinetics of Coal Liquefaction, , American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry 20(1), pp.216-233, , pp |